Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about Adya products. Please contact me at  for more information.

What are the ingredients of Adya Clarity?


Adya Clarity is a concentrated solution of purified water and ionic sulfate mineral salts extracted from biotite which is one of Earth's most abundant mineral sources. Minerals contained in biotite are: iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and zinc.

Additionally, Adya Clarity contains trace amounts of the following minerals: aluminum, barium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, germanium, lanthanum, lithium, molybdenum, nickel, rubidium, scandium, selenium, silicon, strontium, sulfur, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, yttrium, zirconium.  As a natural substance the mineral composition can vary slightly.


Sulfuric acid is used in the creation of Adya Clarity at a concentration of five percent.  Because the concentration is so low and contains complex mineral salts at twenty-five to thirty-three percent it is noncaustic.  It is due to this chemistry that it causes impurities in water to precipitate out and fall to the bottom of the container. The raw material is diluted down ten times in water, making the concentration of sulfuric acid in a bottle of Adya Clarity 0.5%. Then, it is diluted down again one thousand times to treat drinking water and is safe for the body and the environment.  The content of Adya Clarity is what you will find in naturally occuring mineral hot springs around the world.

How much Adya Clarity is needed to effectively purify water?

The amount of Adya Clarity needed to purify water depends on the quality of water being treated. Water quality depends on how many contaminants, such as bacteria and carbon wastes are in the water. When treating typical city, well or spring water the typical dilution rate for Adya Clarity is 1:1000; 1 tsp. treats 1.3 gallons of water.  If the water source is believed to be extremely contaminated by known or unknown toxic substances, proper laboratory analysis will be required in order to give accurate dilution rates.

Does Adya Clarity need to be used with a water filtration system?

Though I highly recommend using the Adya Water Filtration System combined with Adya Clarity for best results, it is not required.  After adding it to city, well or spring water, one should wait 5 to 15 minutes before drinking it.  The filtration system has a ceramic filter which removes the nonharmful precipitates.  It also has a multi-level earth filter which further filters the water of germs and chemicals which only improves the taste and quality of your water.


If you choose to not use the Adya Water Filtration System you can wait overnight for precipitates to fall to the bottom of the container.  It is suggested to wait 24 to 72 hours for all contaminants to be neutralized.  Stirring the water after you put in Adya Clarity helps as well.

Water Liberty's Product Brochure for Adya Clarity

Everything you need to know about Adya Clarity!
Adya Clarity Product Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB