Why Eric Berg?

Eric Berg, Charles Bartram, and Brett Rogers have helped me to recently improve my eating habits.  I have been mostly vegan for about 29 months.  Previous to this recent switch I credit my transition to whole plant based eating to the Starch Solution as created by Dr. McDougall.  But recently I have discovered how to improve upon the Starch Solution diet.  I have discovered a better way of eating because overeating carbohydrates and consuming sugar causes insulin to spike which adversely causes many of your other hormones and sex hormones to shut down which leads to your body storing more fat and since fat stores estrogen a hormone imbalance in the body system.  Also the intake of sugar causes the hunger response to be regulated by your blood sugar levels.  Hunger responses should be linked to the body needing more nutrients and not like a drug addict to insulin spikes and sugar.  Since you are taking in less carbs the need for calories is much better balanced by ingesting healthy fats which have twice the calories or energy and thus hunger is turned off.  Avocado and coconut as I have learned are healthy fats and fats even have proteins that your body needs for rebuilding itself.  I have also learned to lessen the insulin response by putting hemp protein powder in my carbs.  This has snowballed to also eating more raw fruits and veggies which are less calorie dense and contain much more nutrients the body needs which also lessens the hunger response and turns on the fat burning effect  of the body instead of living off of sugar for energy.  Instead of eating dry fruit for massive calories and energy I have switched to apples which I feel are much healthier and do not cause an acidic effect like dates which in fact due to malic acid increases your stomach acid and improves digestion.  Apples are hugely healthy and way more enjoyable the more you eat.  Eating more raw fruits and vegetables is huge because cooking kills enzymes which you need to digest your food.  I have found warming my vegetables immensely rewarding.  I have also discovered that many spices are superfoods and so have incorporated maca, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, pepper, pine pollen, and turmeric into my diet.  I have also learned to add my spices to mildly hot tea for the most amazing nutrient dense calorie low breakfast that I have ever experienced.  Also adding berries and celery to this mixture when having a smoothie really makes for a testosterone smoothie.  Also to cleanse the body of estrogen which is loaded in our foods I eat cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower which should be steamed to be safely processed by the human body as it needs to be softened or will scrape the digestive canal.  Again keeping fats to about an ounce of fat per meal is important as to not block sugar from entering our cells and too much fat in the blood which can lead to health problems. 

We need less than 90 grams of fat per day.  It suggested by doctors in this field to not eat more than 30 grams of fat per meal which is about an ounce.  It is also healthier to not have separated oils as this is not natural and leads to the need of preservatives to stop the rotting process.  Fat is hidden in many foods and the percentage of fats in liquid foods can be much higher than what we may expect.  I use to drink coconut milk regularly and then found out that 4.5 grams of fat per cup is actually 80 percent fat.  Wow!  So you can see that dairy products contain a high percentage of fat as well.


I cook with water.  Adya Clarity is a godsend as it purifies the food that you cook in it so I find that huge as well. 

I was surprised that I enjoy my food now more than I used to.  Eating a plant based diet and reading The China Study and the Starch Solution I am amazed at the sheer variety of food from the produce area of the store.  Mushrooms have lots of protein, tonnes of nutrition and are really quite flavorful.  Squashes are awesome and are natural antibiotics.  Fake meat products that contain only soy and not soy isolates are quite good and yummy and nutritious.  We get complete protein from potatoes, quinoa, peas, soy and a combination of rice and beans.  Of course dietary changes seem to work best when you do them gradually because as you change your diet your body changes and you may even find that what your body tolerated before no longer serves you.