We have forgotten how to eat properly as we have moved away from our farms to the cities for convenience and modern technology.  Our food is very yummy as it has sugar added to it and has been modified to make it look and taste more appealing.  Right there the alarm should sound that what we are doing is not what nature intended.  We have chosen convenience over health.  Our food give us mass and strength but in the end it is unhealthy so getting sick seems to be the norm for a lot of people.  We do not require a lot of food but because we are not getting the nutrients we need we are overeating to comfort ourselves and the system is working overtime to try and get the nutrition we need from our depleted and nutrient poor diets.


Parasites, bacteria and viruses are everywhere and their job is to digest our dead cells.  Some bacteria aid in our digestion but when we eat too much of what we should not we cause too much growth of microorganisms so they overrun the system and cause ill health.  Too many of these microorganisms and our systems become overloaded with toxins and waste produced by them and we shift from a mutual association with them to feeding them and keeping them happy instead of to a balanced and healthy body.


If we have too much fat in our diets the sugar in our blood from eating is blocked from entering our cells.  Too much sugar in the blood can stimulate our pancreas too much and can lead to diabetes.  It is important to get our sugar from fruits as nature intended because the fiber present allows are bodies to only use the sugar it needs and the rest passes out of our systems without harming us.  Fruit juice and pop do not have the fiber present to help us eliminate the excess sugar properly.


Sugar comes in many forms and is often hidden.  Fat stores toxins in our bodies.  Excessive fat clogs our arteries and causes mucus build up in our entire body.  Our diets are too high in refined sugar and fats which are crammed into our processed foods.


The biggest key to health are enzymes and probiotics.  Enzymes break down the food we eat into the nutrients we need.  Enzymes come from raw fruits and vegetables or we can buy them from health stores or at the pharmacy.  Cooking our foods kills the enzymes.  Our nutrients are very important as they are the building blocks of our amazing bodies.


Probiotics are huge because bacteria digest much of the food in our systems.  If we do not take in enough probiotics then the bad bacteria can overtake the body system.  At this point we need to be cleansed.  Cleaning out our colons and getting the waste out of our bodies is essential as it is the toxins and garbage that makes us sick and feed the parasites inside of us.  With optimal nutrition we keep the probiotics or helpful beings inside of us in balance.

You need to get Marcus Rothkranz's book Heal Yourself 101 to learn how to eat properly and he teaches you why the foods we have been eating are so bad for us!  Generally plant sources are good for us because they are only a step removed from being in soil which houses the vitamins and minerals, enzymes and alkalinity that we need.  Animal and dairy products typically contain foreign proteins and hormones that we do not need and are acidic. 

Dairy products are cooked so the enzymes have been killed off.  With the food that we are eating we are finding that we need to eat more and more because we are not getting the nutrients we need and we are overeating and gaining weight.  It is unbelievable the transformation we could make from eating properly as you will see in Markus videos.  We could feel and look so much better and younger simply by shifting our diets.  The human body is so miraculous give it what it needs and stop feeding it what it does not need and watch yourself change into the new You!

Our medicine should be our food because nature has everything we need to be healthy.  Our blood needs to be slightly alkaline so eating lemons and limes and greens is essential.  Food besides plant sources is acidic and then our bodies must work hard to keep our blood alkaline.  Once we become too acidic ill health and disease are the result because cells only function properly in this pH zone.

Weeds, exotic plants and wild fruit are the most nutritious things we can eat.  Combined with a low fat high starch diet we receive the energy we need from our food and everything moves along properly for optimal health!